Overcome Panic Attacks Symptoms With Psychotherapy

Overcome Panic Attacks Symptoms With Psychotherapy


Psychotherapy is considered to be the most effective treatment to overcome panic attacks symptoms.  Psychotherapy help, those who suffer panic attack disorder, identify the underlying cause that trigger each and every occurrence.  The most effective  and widely accepted form of psychotherapy used to overcome panic attacks symptoms is the cognitive behavioral therapy.

Overcome Panic Attacks Symptoms
Overcome Panic Attacks Symptoms

Cognitive behavioral therapy decrease the self defeating behavior and thoughts that trigger panic attacks by identifying its roots and causes.  Therapists would employ relaxation and breathing exercises to decrease anxiety.  Gradual exposure to certain stimulus or situations that triggered those attacks, are done to make the person, who suffer from panic attack disorder, understand the emotional issues that might have contributed in the development of the condition.  Discussing these issues would then give the sufferer a clear view of the entire situation. The therapist would help assess and understand why and how these stimuli affected them.  Conditioning of the mind is also done, reassuring  the patient that his or her issues are nothing and that they pose no real physical or emotional threats to their being.   A panic attack is all in the mind anyway.  Your mind then tells your body how to react, thus the physical manifestation of the symptoms of the condition.

Overcome Panic Attacks Symptoms With Psychotherapy And Medication

In most cases psychotherapy and medications are employed to help people, who suffer from panic attack disorder, overcome their condition.  Research shows that the combination of those, would yield fast and optimum results.  They can prevent the recurrence of those attacks significantly or reduce the severity of each and every occurrence.  They also offer fast relief of up to 90% of people suffering from panic attack disorder.

Overcome Panic Attacks Symptoms With Support Group

Aside from these, some doctors or therapists would encourage their patients to join care groups or support groups for people with the same condition.  Those support groups are very therapeutic and offers a steady and readily available source of support and understanding for people suffering from panic attack disorders.  It creates a safety blanket or a comfort zone for them, where they can open up easily and share their experiences without prejudice or any preconceived notions about their conditions.

Therapists would also give their patients with panic attack disorder, helpful tips and methods they can use at home, if they feel they are about to have a panic attack or during the attack itself.  Training is done to make sure they follow the exact methods correctly and avoid possible situations that can escalate the conditions even further.

Overcome Panic Attacks Symptoms Therapeutically

Follow up treatments are often recommended depending on the progress of the patient.  Evaluations are made to see if the patient is responding correctly to the treatment or to the prescribed medication.  They are also given instructions on how to deal with these attacks, if they happen again.  Some doctors even recommend or refer their patients to respiratory therapist and exercise instructors to facilitate absolute elimination of the condition.  Exercise activities and breathing therapy will also help the patient to overcome panic attacks symptoms.